From Grand Ave to Court Ave

We have had a BLAST moving our Monday night rehearsals to Court Ave as often as we can, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive! Thank you to all who have come out to support us, or found us while walking by. It feels great to be out there every week dancing and partying it up with all of you. Above is a picture taken by Adam Wood this last Monday.
Early bird tickets for the Iowa Stock music and arts festival are over, but you can still help support the Ruckus by getting your tickets through our link here. When you purchase your tickets through that link, 20% of the proceeds go directly to Grand Ave Ruckus! This year is the inaugural event. We'll be out there showing our support for Iowa music, and we'd love to see you there too!
Although we only have a couple of main events, we've been asked to play a lot of private events this June, and we have a few events still in the works. For live updates, follow our events page on Facebook.
The CDs are coming along nicely. Mastering and the album art are almost completed, and then they'll be ready for production. Follow our social media for an announcement of the album release party! It'll be your first chance to grab a copy of those hot new tracks!
Finally, I've accepted a job as the band director at Perry High School, and I'll be moving to Perry soon. The Ruckus will remain just as active as we have been, but we're working on the reorganization of the administrative responsibilities of the band. This will likely mean you'll be hearing a lot more from all of us, rather than just me. Additionally, Nick Gardner has accepted a position as assistant band director at Marshalltown High School for the upcoming school year, and Brian Martin will be leaving us to begin his work on a Master's degree at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. We wish both of them the best of luck, and we look forward to the exciting opportunities this will bring for the future of Grand Ave Ruckus!
Thank you,